About us

What are the most sustainable fabrics?  There are a lot of different opinions about what really makes apparel industry sustainable. Now, more garments are brought to the market and discarded more than ever in short period. Our ultimate goal is to reduce the amount of waste. Better waste management realizes huge cost savings and environmental benefits.  “Responsible consumption and production”  Thinkeco fabrics are all made with sustainable materials such as bio-derived, recycled polyester. Not only materials, manufacturing process is also a key to minimize the negative impact on environment.  We developed durable fabrics with the extended life performance.

THINKECO FABRICS operated by Specialty textile manufacturer TEIJIN FRONTIER(U.S.A.)

TEIJIN FRONTIER is the global converting company that specializes in synthetic fibers and textiles with the integrated manufacturing system developing raw materials through to finished products. TEIJIN FRONTIER offers value-added products to apparel, automotive, infrastructure and many other industries. TEIJIN FRONTIER also promotes corporate activities that fulfill a wide range of social responsibilities, including environmental conservation, personal safety, product quality, the working environment and human rights.

Head office

1412 Broadway, Suite 1500, New York, N.Y. 10018 U.S.A.


Phone : +1-212-840-6900

Email : tfru.info@teijin-frontier.com

Branch office Los Angeles Office
3625 Del Amo Boulevard, Suite 235
Torrance, CA 90503, U.S.A.
Phone : +1-310-371-0520

Contact Form

Handling of Personal Information

Your personal information is collected for the purpose of sending materials, or providing replies to inquiries, and will be managed by our appropriate manner. Your personal information will not be disclosed or provided to a third party without consent from the customer (except where disclosure is required by law or regulations, etc.). Please refer to our Privacy Policy with respect to treatment of the customers' personal information.